Having looked around my kitchen, I came to the realization that organic waste, when combined with cheap ingredients, can be transformed into new materials: bioplastics and bioleather. Since my Eureka moment, my household waste has been redirected into a non-stop creative flow to achieve new materials of various colors, textures, translucency levels, and smells. I felt that the prototypes, made from my personal waste, could help write the diary of my household. Since each waste product was associated with a particular moment in the life of my family, bioplastic prototypes would become little mementos, that helped us remember the night by. Following the stained glass approach, that has been used to portray tales from the Bible, literature, or history, I combined the bioplastic prototypes, created after a single dinner, into a lamp. As the light shines through the bioplastic elements, revealing their colors and textures, the Viewer can observe the new life that was given to the unappealing waste products. The process involved a lot of creativity and experimentation—traces that should be encouraged in every household that is moving away from mass-produced objects towards eco-friendly, circular goods.